Unzip the packages into a single directory such as "~/instantclient_12_1".Instant Client 12.1 supports macOS El Capitan, Yosemite and Mavericks. This is the default Oracle configuration directory for applications linked with this Instant Client. Mkdir -p ~/instantclient_12_2/network/admin If you intend to co-locate optional Oracle configuration files such as tnsnames.ora, sqlnet.ora, ldap.ora, or oraaccess.xml with Instant Client, then create a network/admin subdirectory.Note: Custom OCI applications, such as those that bundle Instant Client, may want to link with -rpath set to the directory containing Instant Client 12.2 instead of relying on libraries being in ~/lib. Ln -s ~/lib/libclntsh.dylib.12.1 ~/lib/libclntsh.dylib For example:Ĭp /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_2/libclntsh.dylib.12.1 ~/lib/Ĭp /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_2/libclntshcore.dylib.12.1 ~/lib/Ĭp /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_2/libons.dylib ~/lib/Ĭp /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_2/libnnz12.dylib ~/lib/Ĭp /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_2/libociei.dylib ~/lib/ Unzip the packages into a single directory such as ~/instantclient_12_2 that is accessible to your application.Instant Client 12.2 supports macOS High Sierra, Sierra and El Capitan.
#Docker mac os x download update#
To use binaries such as sqlplus from the SQL*Plus package, unzip the package to the same directory as the Basic package and then update your PATH environment variable, for example:.Then set the environment variable TNS_ADMIN to that directory name. This is the default Oracle configuration directory for applications linked with this Instant Client.Īlternatively, Oracle configuration files can be put in another, accessible directory. If you intend to co-locate optional Oracle configuration files such as tnsnames.ora, sqlnet.ora, ldap.ora, or oraaccess.xml with Instant Client, put them in the instantclient_18_1/network/admin subdirectory.Note: Custom OCI applications, such as those that bundle Instant Client, may want to link with -rpath set to the directory containing Instant Client 18.1 instead of relying on libraries being in ~/lib.

Ln -s ~/lib/libclntsh.dylib.18.1 ~/lib/libclntsh.dylib For example:Ĭp /opt/oracle/instantclient_18_1/libclntsh.dylib.18.1 ~/lib/Ĭp /opt/oracle/instantclient_18_1/libclntshcore.dylib.18.1 ~/lib/Ĭp /opt/oracle/instantclient_18_1/libons.dylib ~/lib/Ĭp /opt/oracle/instantclient_18_1/libnnz18.dylib ~/lib/Ĭp /opt/oracle/instantclient_18_1/libociei.dylib ~/lib/
#Docker mac os x download zip#
Download the desired Instant Client ZIP files.Instant Client 18.1 supports macOS Mojave and High Sierra.
#Docker mac os x download how to#
Sqlplus Refer to your application's installation instructions for how to use

This copies the contents of all currently mounted Instant Client.